Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

JPIC Stations of the Cross, Rome, Italy

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Many of our sisters in the motherhouse, along with Sister Maria Nonata joined the JPIC group in Rome for a special celebration. The day began with Mass at the Generalate of the Divine Word Missionaries, which was followed by the Stations of the Cross.

The large group of about 200 people processed through the city of Rome with olive branches, singing and praying while reflecting on Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Peace entitled: “Nonviolence: A style of Politics for Peace.” Each station was an historical monument which recalled a particular struggle for peace and justice in history.

This was a wonderful opportunity to witness to Christ’s love to the many pilgrims and tourists who had arrived for Holy Week and Easter as well as a reminder for all of us that as a follower of Christ we cannot desire freedom from the cross which is the nonviolent symbol of love.


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